Dr. Outi Salo-Ahen
Docent, Senior Lecturer in Pharmacy
Pharmaceutical Sciences Laboratory
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Åbo Akademi University
BioCity (3rd floor, Room 3071)
Tykistökatu 6A
20520 Turku, Finland
Tel + 358 2 215 4009
Email: outi.salo-ahen@abo.fi
Research areas
Computer-aided drug design
Molecular dynamics simulations
Virtual screening
Anticancer agents
Antimicrobial agents
Medicinal Chemistry
19/01/2015 Title of Docent, Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Drug Design, Åbo Akademi University (ÅAU)
22/02/2006 PhD (Pharm.), University of Eastern Finland (UEF), Major: Pharmaceutical Chemistry
20/06/2001 MSc (Pharm.), UEF, Major: Pharmaceutical Chemistry
04/05/1999 BSc (Pharm.), UEF
01/09/2015-31/12/2020 Professor in Pharmacy (pro tem), ÅAU, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Pharmaceutical Sciences
01/11/2014-31/08/2015 University researcher, ÅAU, Department of Biosciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences
01/01/2011-31/10/2014 Post-doctoral researcher, ÅAU, Department of Biosciences, Biochemistry (postdoc fellowship funded by the Academy of Finland)
01/06/2009-21/07/2010 Post-doctoral researcher, ÅAU, Department of Biosciences, Biochemistry
01/04/2006-31/05/2010 Postdoc period in Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS gGmbH), Heidelberg, Germany in Prof. Dr. Rebecca Wade's group (2006-2010) - Alexander von Humboldt fellow (2006), funded also by Academy of Finland, Finnish Cultural Foundation, University of Eastern Finland and HITS gGmbH (2008-2010)